

Viet Nam: An Gia and FPT completed the first digital transformation milestone

From April 1, 2022, An Gia Real Estate Group (HoSE: AGG) officially put into operation the SAP S/4HANA business management system by FPT Information System Company Limited (FPT IS) - member of consulting and implementation of FPT Corporation.

Accordingly, FPT IS has deployed a set of specific solutions for the real estate industry developed by the unit on the SAP S/4HANA platform for about 40 member companies of An Gia in just over 6 months. The system put into operation helps An Gia ensure transparency in legal activities, sales, operation, audit...

At the same time, build diversified capital mobilization channels, maximize cash flow, and control financial risks well. This will be an important core system for An Gia and FPT IS to continue building a full ecosystem for the Group. The project was implemented by both sides amid the pandemic, but it was still on schedule thanks to the optimal implementation experience and the efforts of the teams involved.

Applying the most advanced technology to corporate governance is the strategic change step of An Gia in the pioneering journey of digital transformation.
Mr. Nguyen Ba Sang - Chairman of the Board of Directors of An Gia Real Estate Group affirmed, this is an important milestone and also the beginning of a new journey for An Gia.

According to An Gia, operating SAP S/4HANA with cloud technology "RISE with SAP" is not only consistent with the company's development goals and orientations, but also creates an advanced management system, transparent operations and complete value chain to enhance customer experience. The system also helps to save a significantly amount of infrastructure investment costs, and is flexible in expanding modules according to demand.

At the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Ba Sang - Chairman of the Board of Directors of An Gia Real Estate Group said that the company highly appreciated SAP's advanced model as well as FPT IS's ability to deploy.

“Through this optimized system, we will continue to bring our customers the best products, services and experiences. At the same time, opening up many breakthrough development opportunities, making An Gia become the leading prestigious real estate developer in Vietnam”, Mr. Sang said.

On the side of FPT IS, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Minh - General Director of FPT IS shared: “In an important project with An Gia, FPT IS continues to apply the methodology and set of specific solutions developed specifically for the construction and real estate industry on the SAP platform, based on the best experience accumulated through many projects.Putting the system into operation is a solid management foundation to help An Gia improve its competitiveness and make the most of the Group's resources. We believe that with a clear digital transformation orientation, An Gia will continue to have rapid development steps in the Vietnamese real estate market. FPT IS wishes to accompany An Gia in the Group's next digital transformation journey. ”

Mr. Nguyen Hong Viet, Managing Director of SAP Vietnam, said: "SAP and partner FPT IS are delighted to accompany An Gia Real Estate Group in its digital transformation journey. We believe that the successful practical application of this system will help An Gia apply advanced management processes according to international standards, standardize business activities and improve governance capacity. With the ability to integrate data from all business processes, the solution will help An Gia improve the quality of experience, better meet customer needs and increase competitiveness in the market…” .

Project team's representative of both sides

The implementation of SAP S/4HANA system with "RISE with SAP" technology project was conducted during the most difficult time of the pandemic in Vietnam, however, thanks to the commitment and determination of the leaders of the two sides together. The continuous efforts of the participating team helped the project to be put into operation as planned.

In addition, the application of surrounding satellite solutions such as FPT.eInvoice electronic invoices, FPT.eSign remote digital signature solution, the project teams of the two sides, even if they do not meet in person, can still sign and record the project completion stages on time, contributing to the success of the project.

Previously, in January 2022, An Gia Real Estate Group and FPT Corporation signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement in the digital transformation journey by moving to cloud technology with "RISE with SAP", aiming towards the goal of building and perfecting the overall management system of the enterprise.

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