

Vietnam attracts attention from foreign investment funds

Recently, Hubbis, a well-known investment fund in Asia, organized an event focusing on increasing investment opportunities in the Vietnamese market.

At the event, the speakers explained that Vietnam is a country on the way of strong development. Despite its relatively humble beginnings, Vietnam is increasingly becoming an important portfolio country for leading wealth management institutions as well as individual investors.

The fundamentals in Vietnam were rated as positive, according to speakers at the Hubbis event. The population of our country is now more than 100 million people, rank 15th in the world.

Vietnam is recognized by experts as a country with a young population, well-trained and hardworking. This workforce is generating traction with an increasing number of global companies moving to Vietnam in recent years, bringing with it both large amounts of FDI, as well as technological and expertise levels. increasingly improved.

With low labor costs (much lower than neighboring China), improved infrastructure and dynamic development policy, Vietnam is quickly becoming the world's new factory working as a manufacturing hub for everything from furniture and footwear to home appliances and mobile phones.

This shift has been accelerated even further during the pandemic, as international businesses seek to diversify production outside of China. This trend has not shown any signs of cooling down, even if the pandemic is somewhat under control.

Vietnam's middle class which have about 33 million people is growing rapidly thanks to new job opportunities and accelerated urbanization, creating growing demand across all consumer sectors: From real estate and building materials to technology, consumer goods and services. As the economy grows, capital markets also expand and thus create more opportunities for investors.

Summary of some of the most mentioned content by the speakers: Vietnam is a country with a relatively stable economy - politics compared to other countries in the region. Education is improving day by day with a literacy rate of 95%. Technology adoption is high and driven by digital transformation. The internet economy is growing at nearly 30% per year. Renewable energy is also more applied. The main export sectors include: Smartphones & Accessories, Textile & Footwear, Computers & Electrical Products and Machinery & Equipment.

Particularly, the strategic managers of the UCTIS fund (Lumen Vietnam Fund) have built an investment fund in the Vietnamese stock market with a value of about 240 million USD. The experts explain that they choose the industry weight they will invest in by adding or subtracting the market weight. They also target small and medium sized listed companies, allocating capitalization to target potential stocks.

In addition, the speakers at the event organized by Hubbis fund also especially noted that foreign investment funds are paying more and more attention to the ESG index (Environment - Society - Corporate Governance) when investing in different fields in Vietnam in recent years, especially the real estate industry.

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